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Clean, Reliable, Affordable Energy Anywhere

From energy audit to operation, BoxPower provides a seamless end-to-end solution for rural microgrid projects.


BoxPower is changing the narrative on rural energy

Wildfire mitigation

BoxPower’s hybrid solar microgrids offer immediate savings over line hardening and maintenance in remote areas. Our fire-safe systems provide a permanent energy supply to replace traditional utility lines.

Energy resilience

Critical facilities can’t afford to go dark during natural disasters, storms or Public Safety Power Shutoffs. BoxPower’s integrated solar, storage, and backup solutions supply reliable energy when you need it most. 

Power anywhere

BoxPower’s containerized microgrids are ideal for remote, off-grid applications. We design continuous power solutions for the toughest environments, offering a clean, affordable alternative to diesel generators. 


Your turnkey solar microgrid solution


Starting with an energy audit using BoxPower’s EASI software, we configure a microgrid solution tailored to your exact needs.


We configure your microgrid from our pre-engineered products and rapidly deploy systems on-site in a matter of days.


BoxPower offers lifetime operation and maintenance support. We optimize systems with remote monitoring and control capabilities.

Unlock your solution to affordable energy resilience

30+ rural businesses & communities rely on BoxPower microgrids

“BoxPower has streamlined the design, procurement, and installation process for solar microgrids in one of the most challenging regions of the world.”

Brian Hirsch
DeerStone Consulting in remote Alaska


Wildfire mitigation for a rural California utility


Providing clean alternatives to diesel generators


A world in which every rural energy consumer has access to clean, reliable, affordable energy.


BoxPower in the news

This Single Shipping Container Can Start Powering a Small Renewable Grid in Less Than a Day

7 Companies Making Their Mark With Commerical Microgrids

Princeton Grads’ Energy Startup Provides Power To Native Americans Protesting Oil Pipeline

97% Renewable Microgrid to Replace Fire-Vulnerable Line in California During Wildfire Season

Grass Valley’s BoxPower Installs PG&E’s First Solar-Powered Remote Grid System

Get clean, reliable, affordable energy anywhere